Nauru, a former colony of the German Empire, also known as Pleasant Island South Pacific. Nauru People collect rain water during the rainy season between November and February because they are very limited in fresh water. The most popular sport in this country is Australian football, and they have a football league with seven teams.
Tuvalu is a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state. They have no regular military forces, and spend money in defense. Tuvalu is the smallest country ranked 4th in the world. The first inhabitants of this country are the Polynesian people.
Comoros is the African island nation in the Indian Ocean between Mozambique and Madagascar. This island is an old French colony, and today there are about 300 000 Comorians living in France. 98% of the population is Muslim.
Guernsey under the responsibility of the United Kingdom but they are not counted as part of the UK, as well as the European Union.Guernsey is situated in the English Channel on the Normandy coast. They have full autonomy over internal affairs, and they were discussing total independence from the British Empire.
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