Pulsa Murah


Melody Prima Profile :

Full Name: Melody Prima Ananda Divia
Nickname: Melody
TTL: Jakarta, January 18, 1995
Religion: Islam
Name of Father: -
Name of Mother: -
Hobbies: Acting, Singing, Modeling and Dance
Height: 168 Cm
Weight: 47 Kg

Model Video Clip
Band JACKET, Band SEVENDREAM, Band LAROCCA, Band Puja, Prince Band, Sahrul Gunawan, Band Payungi, Shaggy Dog

TV Advertising
  • Suzuki Motor Matic Ad Jet SkyDrive
  • SCTV Promo 2009
  • Print add Gen.fm Radio Promo

Melody Prima

Melody Prima

Melody Prima

Melody Prima

Melody PrimaMelody Prima

Melody Prima Biography :

Melody Prima, the artist who is classified as a newcomer this is a girl born in Jakarta, January 18, 1995. Still young, and energetic making it a shining new artist. Melody Prima also has a beautiful face and captivating in this young age.

Melody Prima itself has been in the entertainment world since I was little visible talent, because since childhood he was very happy to style in front of the glass and happy in the photo as well. Melody Prima also had a bad experience when dating. Melody Prima decided her boyfriend fear of being disturbed concentration in the middle - the middle of her activities in the world of drag votes. Suddenly, the statement makes surprise her boyfriend, it turns out he also understands the circumstances of the Melody Prima and willing to accept these decisions have been made.

Melody Prima is better known by her as a sitcom actress and star ad, but the current Melody Prima in the world wanted to test its ability to pull votes to become a singer. She also involved in the compilation album "Friends Never Lost".


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