Pulsa Murah


Tempat & tanggal lahir
19 Januari 1992, Beverly Hills, California, USA

Nama lengkap
Logan Wade Lerman

Tinggi badan
5' 8" (1.73 m)


Logan Wade Lerman
(lahir di Beverly Hills, California, Amerika Serikat, 19 Januari 1992; umur 19 tahun) adalah aktor remaja asal Amerika Serikat. Ia berperan dalam film Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, yang dirilis tanggal 12 Februari 2010.Logan lahir di Beverly Hills, California. Ibunya, Lisa (née Goldman), bekerja sebagai managernya, dan ayahnya, Larry Lerman, adalah seorang businessman. Dia memiliki 2 saudara, Lindsey dan Lucas. Dia lulus dari sekolah Beverly Hills High. Kebanyakan dari saudaranya bekerja dibidang kedokteran.

Filmography :

- Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) ....
Percy Jackson
... aka Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (Singapore: English title)
(USA: working title)
- Gamer (2009) .... Simon Silverton
- My One and Only (2009) .... George Devereaux
- Bill (2007) .... The Kid
... aka Meet Bill (USA: new title)
- 3:10 to Yuma (2007) .... William Evans
- The Number 23 (2007) .... Robin Sparrow
- Hoot (2006) .... Roy Eberhardt
- "Jack & Bobby" .... Bobby McCallister (22 episodes, 2004-2005)
- Legacy (2005) TV episode .... Bobby McCallister
- Stand by Me (2005) TV episode .... Bobby McCallister
- Under the Influence (2005) TV episode .... Bobby McCallister
- A Child of God (2005) TV episode .... Bobby McCallister
- Friends with Benefits (2005) TV episode .... Bobby McCallister
(17 more)
- The Butterfly Effect (2004) .... Evan at 7
- "10-8: Officers on Duty" .... Bobby Justo (1 episode, 2003)
... aka 10-8 (USA: short title)
... aka 10-8: Police Patrol (UK: promotional title)
- Badlands (2003) TV episode .... Bobby Justo
- A Painted House (2003) (TV) .... Luke Chandler
... aka John Grisham's A Painted House (USA: complete title)
- The Flannerys (2003) (TV)
- Riding in Cars with Boys (2001) .... Jason - Age 8
- What Women Want (2000) .... Young Nick Marshall
- The Patriot (2000) .... William Martin
... aka Der Patriot (Germany)

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